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Map Of Lunar Land Grid LQ02 Quadrangle

This LQ02 map is of quadrangle Clementine UVVIS map. This land located on the moon is split into 30 quadrangles by the United States Of America Geological Survey at the 1:2,500,000 map scale. The Cosmic Register has divided the entire acreage by dividing the 30 locations with sub-dividing this grid by 26 letters in the alphabet by 26 numbers will create our parcels: 676 individual sectors.

Our intention is to give away all the billions of acres of land on the moon, which then create the largest supporters with one cause.

grid lunar land lq02 A1


More about the moon quadrangle map

At the 1:1,000,000 scale, there are 12 latitude bands, 6 in each hemisphere. The bands nearest the equator are 16° high, and the first and last bands are 10° radius circles around the poles. The bands are then divided into quadrangles, but unlike the 1:2,500,000 system, the seam is placed at +10° longitude (so 0° longitude is in the middle of a quadrangle), and the numbering within a band starts between −80° and −90°.

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